2022年及in press
34.Wang, Y., Fardouly, J., Vartanian, L. R., Wang, X, & Lei, L. (2022). Body talk on social networking sites and cosmetic surgery consideration among Chinese young adults: A serial mediation model based on objectification theory.Psychology of Women Quarterly,46(1), 99-110.[SSCI]
33.Wang, Y.,Geng, J., Di, K., Chu, X., Lei, L. (2022) Body talk on social network sites and body dissatisfaction among college students: The mediating roles of appearance ideals internalization and appearance comparison.Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 16(3), Article 2.[SSCI]
32.Wang, Y.,Yang, J.,Wang, J., Yin, L., & Lei, L. (2022).Body talk on social networking sites and body dissatisfaction among young women: A moderated mediation model of peer appearance pressure and self-compassion.Current Psychology, 41, 1584-1594.[SSCI]
31.Wang, Y., Chu, X., Nie, j., Gu, X., & Lei, L. (in press). Selfie-editing, facial dissatisfaction, and cosmetic surgery consideration among Chinese adolescents: A longitudinal study.Current Psychology.Advance publication online.[SSCI]
30. Geng, J., Wang, X.,Wang, Y., Lei, L., & Wang, P. (2022). “If you love me, you must do...” Parental psychological control and cyberbullying perpetration among Chinese adolescents.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(9-10), NP7932-NP7957.[SSCI]
29. Geng, J.,Wang, Y., Wang, H., Wang, P., & Lei, L. (2022). Social comparison orientation and cyberbullying perpetration and victimization: roles of envy on social networking sites and body satisfaction.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(17-18), 6061-6083.[SSCI]
28. Geng, J.,Wang, Y., Wang, P., Zeng, P. & Lei, L. (2022). Gender differences between cyberbullying victimization and meaning in life: Roles of fatalism and self-concept clarity.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 39(19-10), NPI17157-NPI17181.[SSCI]
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26. Chu, X., Wang, Q., Huang, F.,Wang, Y.,et al. (in press). Neuroticism and problematic online gaming: The mediating role of social anxiety and the moderating role of family socioeconomic status.Current Psychology.Advance publication online. [SSCI]
25.Wang, Y., Xie, X., Fardouly, J., Vartanian, L. R., & Lei, L. (2021).The longitudinal and reciprocal relationships between selfie-related behaviors and self-objectification and appearance concerns among adolescents.New Media & Society, 23(1), 56-77. [SSCI]
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23. Wang, H.,Wang,Y.,Nie, J., & Lei, L. (2021). Family socioeconomic status and internet altruistic behavior among Chinese adolescents: The mediating effect of personal belief in a just world and emotional intelligence.Children and Youth Services Review,121,105841.
22.顾潇,王玉慧,雷雳. (2021).社交媒体中自拍相关行为对身体映像的影响.心理科学进展,29(8), 1497-1507. [CSSCI]
21.Wang, Y., Wang, X., Yang, J., Zeng, P., & Lei, L. (2020).Body talk on social networking sites, body surveillance, and body shame among young adults: The roles of self-compassion and gender.Sex Roles,82(11-12), 731-742.[SSCI]
20.Wang, Y., Wang, X., Liu, H., Xie, X., Wang, P., & Lei, L. (2020).Selfie posting and self-esteem among young adult women: A mediation model of positive feedback and body satisfaction.Journal of Health Psychology,25(2), 161-172.[SSCI]
19.Wang, Y., Xie, X., Wang, X., Wang, P., Nie, J., & Lei, L. (2020).Narcissism and selfie-posting behavior: the mediating role of body satisfaction and the moderating role of attitude toward selfie-posting behavior.Current Psychology, 39, 665-672. [SSCI]
18. Yang, J.,Fardouly, J.,Wang, Y.*(通讯作者) & Shi, W. (2020).Selfie-viewing and facial dissatisfaction among young adults: A moderated mediation model of appearance comparison and self-objectification.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17(2), 672.[SSCI]
17. Zeng, P. Zhao, X., Xie, X., Long, J., Jiang, Q.,Wang, Y., Qi, L. & Lei, L. (2020). Moral perfectionism and online prosocial behavior: The mediating role of moral identity and the moderating role of online interpersonal trust.Personality and Individual Differences, 162, 110017.[SSCI]
16. Yang, C., Wang Y.,Wang Y.,Zhang X., Liu Y., & Chen H. (2020).The effect of sense of community responsibility on residents’ altruistic behavior: Evidence from dictator game.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(2), 460. [SSCI]
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12. Wang, P., Wang, X., Zhao, M., Wu, Y.,Wang, Y., & Lei, L. (2019). Can social networking sites alleviate depression? The relation between authentic online self-presentation and adolescent depression: A mediation model of perceived social support and rumination.Current Psychology,38(6), 1512-1521.[SSCI]
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10.楚啸原,理原,王兴超,王玉慧, &雷雳. (2019).家庭收入与高中生幸福感:社会支持与性别因素的作用.心理发展与教育, 35(4), 478-485.[CSSCI]
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7.王玉慧,谢笑春,陈红, &雷雳. (2017).女性身体意象失调:社交网站的影响及作用机制.中国临床心理学杂志, 25(6), 1079-1087. [CSSCI]
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5. Wang, P., Zhao, M., Wang, X., Xie, X.,Wang, Y., & Lei, L. (2017).Peer relationship and adolescent smartphone addiction: The mediating role of self-esteem and the moderating role of the need to belong.Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 6(4), 708-717.[SSCI]
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3.王玉慧,吕振勇,陈红,吴双双, &肖子伦. (2016).男性身体意象失调:大众媒体的影响及作用机制.心理科学进展, 24(2), 282-292.[CSSCI]
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1.田录梅(导师一作),王玉慧. (2013).矮负面身体自我大学生对相关信息的认知加工偏好.中国临床心理学杂志, 21(06), 889-893.[CSSCI]